Lots of food - Indonesian cuisine in this and it varied, Ms - mothers, young women or men too much and love cooking, here we'll share a recipe dishes were already very well known in the community. Please learn to cook and good luck. Thank you to all those who used as a source of making this blog, especially Ny. Suharsono goddess. Hopefully collection of recipes - recipes could be useful for all hobbyist cook.
Jerked meat ( Empal Daging )
- Beef ......................................... 500 grams
- Tumbar .............................. crushed 1 tablespoon to taste
- Tamarind (mashed) .................... taste
- Sugar (refined) taste ..............................
- Salt (mashed) ........................... taste
- Garlic (crushed) ................. 3 cloves
- Cooking oil .................................... taste
How to cook:
1. Boil the meat until tender, rectangular slices and crushed.
2. Blend all ingredients, mix with sliced meat
3. Heat oil, fry the meat until done.